Summary Students rotate through stations exploring different kinds of forces. Science content Physics: Motion and Forces, Newton’s Laws, Gravity (K, 2, 6) Physics: Energy forms, Conservation of Energy (1, 3, 4, 5) Activities in this lesson Dancing magnets Balancing balloon with hairdryer Balancing pole Balloon rocket Catapult - torsion Pinwheel Spinning chair Balancing sculpture Balance point on a stick or ruler Coin game Catapult from popsicle sticks Magnetic race track Levitating magnets Rocket powered by baking soda and vinegar Air resistance Jumping stick Procedure Set up a selection of the stations, and divide students into groups, to rotate through the stations. For younger students, show what to do at each station, highlighting the forces in each case. A good selection of Pushes and Pulls stations for Ks: balance point on a paint stick, balancing sculpture, magnetic race track, popsicle stick catapult Older students can be told they will be exploring forces, and leave them to discover phenomena themselves. Attached documents forces_stations_worksheet_-_romy.pdf Grades taught Gr K Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7