
Pin and ring game

Play the pin and ring game, and learn how Indigenous groups make the game from bones.
Science content
Biology: Indigenous People's sustainable use of Living Things (K, 2, 3)
Biology: Sensing, Organ Systems (4, 5, 6)
  • if available a ring of leg bone and a rib
  • chopsticks, skewers
  • rings large and small e.g. the inside of tape rolls, cut up paper towel inserts
  • light string

Show the students how a ring and pin game can be made from a ring of bone (e.g. slice of leg bone) and a rib.
Demonstrate playing the game, the goal to try and catch the ring on the pin.

Give students a selection of ring and pin games made from skewers, chopsticks and rings (or they can make their own).
The string needs to be light, so that its weight does not drag the ring about, making it harder to catch on the pin.

The smaller rings can be quite hard, so make sure to test out first.

This game, as well as being made from bones, is found world-wide, made from many different materials.

Ring and pin game from Niwasa Kendaaswin Teg, a not for profit charitable Indigenous organization:

Grades taught
Gr K